Sometimes the Hardest Decision is Not Taking Any Action At All
Protection Wealth Lifestyle UpdatesExtreme market volatility is difficult to handle – even for financial professionals. I can only imagine how my clients feel when markets begin their rollercoaster ride. Here are three easy messages to ease your conscious:
1. While equity markets have risen strongly over time, they’ve encountered occasional declines along the way. Volatility may cause a bumpy ride … but isn’t that true of most things in life?
2. Market timing typically fails. The worst-performing days are often followed closely by the best days. It takes plenty of luck to correctly guess when markets will rise or fall.
3. Missing only a few of the top days may prevent you from capturing much of the market’s gains.
Click on this link to be redirected to a 90-second video that will help you focus on your long-term goals – not short-term noise!
As always, we are here to help in any way.
Paul Polyviou, CFP, CLU